Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Genderfuckery Zine

A free, digital zine to celebrate the queergender expressions of Fódlan and beyond. May it be Felix undergoing his transition, intersex Mercedes improving medical care for intersex people, Lorenz doing drag, Ashe defying the traditional roles of binary gender or Manuela inventing HRT, gender has many shapes!

What's next?

Contributor Apps: 1 August - 22 September click here


About this zine
The FE3H Genderfuckery Zine is a free and digital zine about gender expressions in Fódlan and beyond. We aim for content centered around gender in all its variations. This can be trans Felix undergoing transition, intersex Mercedes working on improving the conditions for intersex people, Lorenz doing drag, Ashe defying traditional roles of binary gender, Manuela inventing HRT or even cis Hilda embracing her gender and toying with it. The zine will contain all sorts of works centered around the wide ranging topic of gender, may it be cis, trans, nonbinary, agender or inter.
What is allowed and what not
This will be a pro-ship zine, meaning that there might be content some might find inapproriate due to falling unter the dead dove label. As a rule of thumbs the zine allows any content that is also allowed on ao3, any and all works will be tagged properly with warnings and positive tags.
All works have to be centered around gender as a topic. This does not mean, that either the creator or the character has to be a tian person, because cis people are also allowed to toy around with gender and deserve a little HRT as a treat. Gender is for all, not only the cool people ^^ Drag is allowed as well, since it is a form of art, that works with gender.All characters from both Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem: Three Hopes are allowed as well as all ships.The works are allowed to portrait queermisia under the condition that it has consequences. This can be for example by showing the physical and mental consequences for the misstreated person or letting the perpetrator experience the backlash for their shitty behaviour. However, deadnaming of either the contributors or the characters is not allowed. If you want to include the topic of deadnames, please avoid writing out the deadname.Genderbend is not allowed. If you want to give a character another gender than in canon, then please portrait them as tian (more on that in the FAQ), since this zine aims for marginalized gender representations and the specific struggles and joys coming with it.The zine will contain both nsfw and sfw content and all content will be tagged properly.Contributor requirements
2-8k (+-10%)
any prose
We look for a maximum of 10 writers
size single page: 8.3" x 11.7" / 210mm x 297mm / 2480px x 3508px
double page spread art: 11.7" x 16.6" / 297mm x 420mm / 3508px x 4961px
at least 300DPI
RGB colorspectrum (exact profile doesn't matter)
full background and shading
for comic artists: 2 - 8 single pages or 1 - 4 double pages with either BW lineart or flat coloring/reduced shading, no fully shaded background needed


What is a zine?
Zine is short for magazine and describes a form of amateur magazines, that go back as far as the 1930s. Zines are often a way for subcultures to spread their specific content, especially before the rise of the internet. Examples are sff zines, zines from and about the punk subculture and fandom specific zines (for example Spirk slash zines in the Star Trek community). Read more in the Fanlore Wiki.
What does tian mean?
tian stands for trans, intersex, agender and nonbinary and is an umbrella term for all those people, who aren't endocis. This zine aims to portrait as many marginalized gender expressions as possible, tho that of course depends entirely on our contributors and their pitches.
What's with inter and endo?
Intersex or short inter people are people whose innate sex characteristics don't fit normative medical or social ideas for female and male bodies. This can be due to a variation in the XY/XX chromosome set, a high testosterone level for people assigned female at birth, genitalia who aren't clearly female or male following a medical definition of the terms and so on. Intersex has many variations. Inter people can identify as cis or trans, it's up for them, how they want to describe themselves.
Endo is the opposite, meaning those people whose innate sex characteristics do fit normative medical or social ideas for female and male bodies.How can I contribute?
We look for brave people to help us mod the zine as well as writer, page, comic, spot and merch artists. Check our schedule to see, when the applications for each role open.
Will there be a physical zine?
No. We plan to make this zine digital only.
Is this zine for profit or for a charity?
No. The zine will be completely FREE.
Will this zine be sfw?
We will have a sfw and a nsfw zine. At this point it is not yet decided if we do two zines, or if we only make one zine with a sfw and a nsfw section.
Due to this we only allow mods & contributors, who are 18+! If you lie about your age and we find out, we'll kick you out faster than you can say "His Princeliness".What kind of work will be included in the zine?
We will have fanfics, page and spot art, comics and digital merch (profile pics and headers, wallpapers for desktop and phone, printable bookmarks and potentially more).
Oh no, I'm endocis. Can I still work with you?
Very sorry to hear that, but yes, of course you can!
Do I have to put my chosen character(s) under the gender lasergun and trans their gender?
Apart from this being a very funny and entertaining thing to do it is not neccessary to write any character as tian. Of course we encourage it, but we also believe, that gender is a topic that affects all people, tian as well as endocis. Still, we want a focus of marginalized gender expressions. Therefore genderbend is not wanted for this zine.
What about ships? And nations outside Fódlan?
All ships are allowed. This zine's content is not Fódlan exclusive.
I think content XY is problematic and should not be featured in the zine!
Please be chill about any kink, dead dove and pairing or other content, even if it might be your personal squick. If you still can't be chill about it, then this zine is quite probably not for you and we ask you to simply not engage further with it.
Will there be tags?
Yes, we will do our utmost to tag all works properly with warnings (such as gore, character deaths, queermisia and more) and positive tags (such as the type of AU, gender euphoria, found family and more).
So, AUs are allowed?
Absolutely! Any and all AUs are allowed, time travel, fix it, Modern AU and more! However, we won't have crossovers with other fandoms.
What else is expected of me as a contributor?
We're glad you asked! Therefore we've put together a complete contributor guideline, where you find all the infos for the application process, descriptions of all the roles we want to fill, and all the informations you need once the creation period has beginn. Click here for the contributor guideline.

Meet our Mods


Role: Head & Writer Mod
Pronouns: they / fey / dey
About: Feanorian. Silencer. Gwynbleidd. Parent of Dragons to be. Stormblessed. Writes fanfics and knits too many socks. I swear I'm normal about birbs. Sometimes I have ideas and now here we are.
Past zines & projects: a complete list is here
Image drawn by Elenyafinwe


Role: Art & Graphics Mod
Pronouns: she / they
About: three ongoing hyperfixations in a trench coat. and when i said three i mean three hundred thousand. sometimes i do art when i am feeling silly and i write when i feel masochistic. aside from fe3h i enjoy hsr, orv, and bg3 in a totally normal amount.
Past zines & projects: Enchanted: A Fire Emblem Zine


Role: Layout & Formatting Mod
Pronouns: they / them or it / its
About: I'm moss! I I'm a gender enthusiast and I like to headcanon all my faves as some flavor of genderqueer. I'm really excited to work on a project that increases transgender art in my favorite fandom!
Past zines & projects: Page artist in Freed Spirit- A Hapi zine, Mockingbird: a Yuri zine, Fire emblem theater zine, and unrivaled: a fire emblem three hopes zine


Role: Intern Mod
Pronouns: They / He / It
About: Will is a queer writer (both original and fan works) who enjoys dabbling in zines!


Role: SocMedia & Discord Mod
Pronouns: he / him
About: Scientist by day, Fire Emblem enthusiast by night, I enjoy writing fanfiction, cosplaying, and participating in FE community events!
Past zines & projects: Social media mod for Emblemcon with experience in planning, information organization, and carrd maintenance.


Project Launch17 June 2024
Interest Check17 June - 31 July
Mod Applications17 June - 31 July
Mod App results sendby 5 August
Contributor Applications1 August - 22 September
Contributor App results sendby 30 September
Contributor Confirmation Deadline7 October
Pitches due14 October
Pitches confirmation21 October
Check-in 130 November
Check-in 231 December
Check-in 331 January 2025
Final submissions28 February
Layout & Format RevisionsMarch 2025
Previews start to go outMarch 2025
Zine ready for downloadApril 2025